Current ProjectsGoals include helping the community:
Essentials Closet in TCMS/TCHSThe FRN also collaborates with Tyler County Schools to provide an essentials closet that is located inside of Tyler Consolidated. This closet houses clothing in all sizes, as well as shoes, socks, and underwear. The closet also contains many hygiene products such as shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, feminine products and makeup. There are also school supplies. This closet is open to any student.
Mobile Essentials ClosetThe FRN was graciously awarded a grant from EQT that allowed us to purchase an enclosed trailer. This "mobile unit" houses essential hygiene products as well as socks and shoes. The FRN has given out over 30 pairs of shoes since the Fall of 2020, to students at Tyler County Schools as well as individuals who participate in the monthly Necessities Closet held at the United Methodist Church in Sistersville. Shoes are purchased through a grant given to The FRN by The Harry & Olive Barth Foundation.
Back to School FairThis project provides children in the area with backpacks full of all their back to school items. These items include pencils, notebooks, a new backpack, folders, crayons, glue etc. All items are donated or purchased and the event is held annually a few weeks before school starts.
Backpack ProjectWe participated in the Backpack Project at the Tyler Consolidated High School/Middle School at the beginning of the school year to help supply backpacks and other school necessities to those who were in need.
Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)In collaboration with the Tyler County Community Prevention, the FRN started a SADD group at Tyler Consolidated High School. The FRN is also implementing a substance abuse prevention parent/child take home program called “Keep a Clear Mind”.
Carry On ProjectBags for youth placed out of the home. We supply WVDHHR, in collaboration with Marshall County FRN and Wetzel County Center for Children & Families, bags with pajamas, hygiene necessities and a book or stuffed animal.
Family Fun Night at Sistersville Fire DepartmentSponsored free dinner and a movie with Westbrook Health Services and the Tyler County Family Support Center in December
Healthy Grandfamilies WVSU Healthy Grandfamilies is a free resource for grandparents raising grandchildren.
Sistersville Methodist Church Faith Hands Necessities ClosetDonations from Sistersville Methodist Church Hands Necessities Closet